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Minimum Wage Commission
Home >> Second-stage Consultation on Enhancing the Review Mechanism of the Statutory Minimum Wage

Second-stage Consultation on Enhancing the Review Mechanism of the Statutory Minimum Wage
(5 June – 25 June 2023)

The Minimum Wage Commission (MWC) launched the second-stage consultation on 5 June 2023 to invite further views from the public on enhancing the review mechanism of the Statutory Minimum Wage. With reference to the views collected during the first-stage consultation, MWC would like to collect more-specific suggestions from the community in the second-stage consultation.

You are welcome to give your views to MWC on or before 25 June 2023 through the following channels:

e-Form :
Fax :
2110 3518
Post :
The Minimum Wage Commission
1/F, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central

Please note that to ensure timely completion of the consultation exercise, submissions received after 25 June 2023 may not be considered by MWC.

MWC attaches great importance to the suggestions of the community and will peruse the views received with due prudence. MWC calls for the public to provide information and data that are true, reliable and verifiable. Where necessary, MWC will follow up the source of information or request for supplementary information from the person/organisation providing the views.

In case of queries, please contact the MWC Secretariat at 2852 3862.

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