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Minimum Wage Commission
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Welcome Message

Photo of Ms Priscilla WONG Pui Sze, BBS, JP Chairperson, Minimum Wage Commission
Photo of Ms Priscilla WONG Pui Sze, BBS, JP Chairperson, Minimum Wage Commission

Established under the Minimum Wage Ordinance (Cap.608 of the Laws of Hong Kong)This link will open in a new window, the Minimum Wage Commission (the Commission) comprises 12 members from the labour sector, the business community, academia and Government, each with diverse professional expertise and experience. The Commission is tasked with the main function of, when required by the Chief Executive (CE) to do so, reporting to CE in Council its recommendation on the Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) rate. The Commission also has any other function given to it by CE in writing.

SMW impacts on various aspects of Hong Kong, including the society, economy and labour market, etc. In performing its functions, the Commission needs to maintain an appropriate balance between the objectives of forestalling excessively low wages and minimising the loss of low-paid jobs, and give due regard to sustaining Hong Kong’s economic growth and competitiveness. In October 2022, the Commission recommended to CE in Council the SMW rate of $40 per hour which has taken effect on 1 May 2023.

Pursuant to the 2022 Policy Address, CE on 12 January 2023 requested the Commission to conduct a study on enhancing the review mechanism of SMW including the review cycle, how to improve efficiency, and balancing a host of factors such as the minimum wage level and sustained economic development. On 31 October 2023, the Commission submitted the “Study Report on Enhancing the Review Mechanism of the Statutory Minimum Wage” to CE. I am delighted to learn that the Government has accepted the Commission’s recommendations on 30 April 2024.

In accordance with the current biennial review mechanism, at CE’s request, the Commission has commenced another round of review of the SMW rate. With the active participation of all members of the Commission, I am confident that the Commission will discharge its function properly and appropriately.

SMW has performed its function of providing wage protection since its implementation in 2011. The income of grassroots employees has improved, while Hong Kong’s overall economy has also sustained healthy development. This fully shows the value of SMW.

You are most welcome to visit the Commission’s webpage to learn more about our work.

Priscilla WONG, SBS, JP
Minimum Wage Commission

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